Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sniffle Sniffle...

Happy Sunday everyone :)
  I apologize for not posting sooner, but sadly I have had nothing to say...Let me explain: I have been stuck in my bed since Wednesday, W E D N E S D A Y.  *sigh* Tuesday evening I started to feel sick and I haven't gotten better since.  I thought I was on the road to recovery yesterday so I went to be with my babies for the first time in 3 days, but alas, I started to feel even worse than before and I retreated to my bed for some blessed sleep.  You can only imagine mine and Rachel's aggravation and dismay as we begin yet another day sequestered in our room.  Neither I nor Rachel are at all happy with our bed-bound state so please pray that we will get better quickly and that we will have patience and not make our sickness worse by trying to to more than we should.  Not that any of the nurses or nannies would allow us to do anything even if we tried.  We are being watched and cared for just as much as the kids down stairs. 
  While I appreciate all the work and care people have given to Rachel and I, I must admit there are some seriously strange home remedy's that the Guatemalan ladies have cooked up for us.  The worse tasting by far was the concoction Odelia gave Rachel and I the first night we were sick. 
  1. Gather alkeslezer tablets, mineral soda, salt, and a healthy amount of lime juice
  2. Mix it all together in a cup
  3. Drink it all as quickly as possible and try not to hurl
Presto! Now you can make your very own torture juice whenever your stomach feels icky.  Trust me, after you over come the need to throw up just from the concoction, your tummy will feel loads better.
  While most of the time, I have been oblivious to to the world resting to get better, during the time of my illness these past days I have not been totally idle.  Check it out

  The dear lady who lives here with her husband 6 months out of the year, Mrs. Ilvie, is helping me with my crochet skills, I will post a picture of my finished creation when I wear it out. 
  Well remember my dear family, don't worry!  I may be sick but it's nothing major and I know both Rachel and I are in God's hands and we'll get better when He sees fit :)


  1. Praying, praying and more praying! Love you!

  2. Dear Cierra, I know about those disgusting home remedies, my grandmother had a few of her own, I feel your pain. I pray you will soon be better and God will provide you with great health and energy. Thanks for sharing. Love grandnothing

  3. You poor sweet thing! Lots of positive energy coming your way! Is your project going to be a hat? Can't wait to see the finished product!
