Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Over a Few Days Time

Hey everyone!
  I'm sorry it has taken me a few days to upload an update, I try to post every other day but with internet problems and utter exhaustion... let's say it took me a little longer this time.  But you all should know how much I love you because I woke up earlier than necessary for the soul purpose of finishing this post this morning!! First off, I have to tell you ZIP LINING IS AMAZING.  Okay, so now you know that I loved it here are a few pics.  Sadly I left my memory card at the dorms so I only have a few photos from my phone *sigh* Not cool but check these out anyway.
Second thoughts before the trip? NEVER!

The crew at the starting station

We ziplined over a coffee plantation, this was the sign outside the restaurant
   So I get that these are not near enough pictures, but I will add some more when I get home and I have the chord to get them off the internal memory of the camera.  I wanted to take more pictures with my phone but I was very afraid of dropping it off the cliff and into the fields never to be found again.  Therefore, these are all the photos I have to offer.
     After we went zip lining, we all headed off to lunch then shopping.  So of course the rest of the day was perfect.  We finished off the evening by visiting what has got to be the most beautiful view in the entire world, ladies and gentlemen: Antigua and Agua (the volcano in the picture)

Yesterday, I found out one of the little boys in my Chick class went home to be with his family yesterday while I was away at the market.  His name was Andy Alfredo :) awesome name right? He was adorable

I love and miss his little face!

He was never still!

Waiting for dinner
  He was the smartest kid in the Chick class even if he was small.  Andy loved to talk and would be the first to let me know if one of the other kids was misbehaving.  I had a hard time dealing with his sudden departure but I am so grateful for my friends here because they were so supportive.  Several kids have gone home to their families during my stay here, but Andy was the first of mine to go home and I felt like someone took away my very own baby.  The whole purpose of the center is to get kids healthy and then reunite them with their families but it still hurts to know I probably won't ever see my my little Andy again.  He left on Sunday, but yesterday the other kids (his closest friends Ovidio and Santos) were still calling his name waiting for him to come and play with them. *sob*
  On a happier note, look at the video (and ignore the crazy camera angles)
 These are my buddies in the chicks, each and every one of them is so special to my heart and I love them beyond what I can describe.  Thank you guys for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Ziplining looks amazing! You are so brave! Sorry your little chick flew the nest; but happy for his recovery!
