Friday, May 15, 2015

Back in the Airplane Again!

Hello Awesome People!
   Roughly two years ago, I embarked on an adventure to Guatemala and interned at a malnutrition center there.  I fell in love with traveling and meeting new people and this year, I’m at it again.  This time, I am zipping off to the Czech Republic (C.R.) across the pond where I will be teaching at an English camp.  Now, just in case any of you are like I was, here is a map showing exactly where the C.R. is located, because…well I had no clue.

Some of you might be relieved to know that I am not traveling alone on this trip, I am ecstatic to announce that my Ammygray (my grandma for those of you unsure of what crazy word you just read) is also on the team I will be traveling with.  There is so much information and excitement to share, but I’ll stick to the basics for this initial post.  Firstly, my team and I will be gone for most of July and will be spending time in Prague and Brno.  Secondly, our main job while in the C.R. is to build relationships with unbelievers attending the camp as we teach and fellowship with them.  Teaching English overseas has been one of my life goals for a long time now, so this opportunity to try it out is directly from God.  Finally, I’m not there yet and I need help to make it.  This support is twofold.  Please pray that the team will have unity in all decisions and that each person who God calls on this trip will be able to come.  For me personally, I ask that you would pray for God to prepare my heart and hands to serve on the trip.  As of right now, I am the only musically inclined person going on the trip so in addition to my teaching, I will be responsible for the worship aspect of our time there.  The other side of support needed is financial because, sadly, there is no student discount for traveling.  (Wouldn’t that make the world a more beautiful place?!)  If you would like to help me get to the Czech Republic this summer, you can send your tax deductible donations to:

Oakwood Community Church
11209 Casey Rd
Tampa, FL 33618

Be sure and mark it with "CIERRA JONES: CZECH TRIP" so the funds are designated toward my expenses.

Thank you all in advance for your love, prayers, and support.  Be sure and "Czech" back (wink wink) for more updates and news about my adventures this summer!

Signing Off!

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